did you know?
The average commute time for people in North Central Indiana is only about 20 minutes.
What to Do in North Central Indiana
What to Do in North Central Indiana
North Central Indiana has plenty to do and plenty more nearby. Within the region itself, there are sporting events, beautiful state parks, gardens, historical sites, and more. Nearby are major hubs like Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, and Indianapolis. Seasonal activities are especially popular, including summer trips to the dunes along Lake Michigan and nearby Michigan ski resorts in the winter.
There Are So Many Reasons to Call North Central Indiana Home
North Central Indiana has access to the culture and connections of major American cities, with small town sensibilities that create friendly neighborhoods for families.
There’s plenty of access to opportunity, especially in the small business sector. There are a large variety of initiatives for those wanting to pursue entrepreneurship, as well as affordable living and access to a top notch education at many universities in the area. Visit a county’s page to get a closer look at life in North Central Indiana:

did you know?
North Central Indiana is home to over 25 colleges and universities! This includes prestigious private schools like Notre Dame and leading public universities like Indiana University South Bend.
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