company profile


We continuously work to earn and build upon our reputation to be a wire harness manufacturer that our customers can count on. We are honest and well respected in the industry. We also look for unique opportunities to recommend ideas to reduce cost without sacrificing the Quality of our product. Quality is paramount to our success in building custom products for our customers. The consistency in Quality can also reduce harness related warranty claims for our customers Qualtronics values their employees. Employees appreciate the flexible work hours Qualtronics provides so they can revolve work around their life rather than their life around their work. Every employee understands the importance of producing a Quality product for our customers.

Career Pathways at Qualtronics


Create plans to meet customer demand for popular products.
Median Salary:$46,634
Desired Skillsphysically fit, love of technology, technically accurate

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What's Qualtronics all about?

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Where is Qualtronics Located?

Qualtronics is located in Columbus, IN, which is situated in Southern Indiana. Nestled in the rolling hills, natural forests and lakes of Southeast Indiana is a growing defense hub leading innovation in unmanned systems, robotics, and cyber security.