Farm Manager

Career Overview

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List item iconSupervise all steps of crop production or ranging, including planting, fertilizing, harvesting, and herding.
List item iconMake decisions about crops or livestock by evaluating factors such as market conditions, disease, soil conditions, and the availability of federal programs.
List item iconChoose and buy supplies, such as seed, fertilizer, and farm machinery.
List item iconMaintain farm facilities, such as water pipes, fences, and animal shelters.
List item iconServe as the sales agent for crops, livestock, and dairy products.
List item iconRecord financial, tax, production, and employee information.

What It Takes

The leadership skills you’ve worked hard to build in the military will translate well to a management position within the agriculture industry. Farm managers are the professionals responsible for directing and overseeing the operations on a farm. These managers will delegate tasks like planting, fertilizing and harvesting crops among farm staff. In addition to labor tasks, farm managers will also manage budgets, purchase materials and interact and maintain relationships with vendors and clients.

Analytical skills

Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers monitor and assess the quality of their land or livestock.

Critical-thinking skills

Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers determine how to improve their harvest and livestock while reacting to conditions that may affect their short- or long-term plans.


Many farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers are self-employed. They must be self-motivated in order to maximize crop or livestock production.

Mechanical skills

Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers operate complex machinery and occasionally perform routine maintenance.

Excellent Leadership

Leading by example is critical for this position.

Career Progression

Career Progression

Step 1
high school diploma
Step 2
Farm or ranch hand
Step 3
Postsecondary education or training
Step 4
Move into leadership

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