company profile

Indiana Economic Development Corporation

The Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) is charged with growing the state economy, driving economic development, helping businesses launch, grow and locate in the state. Led by the Indiana Secretary of Commerce and governed by a 15-member board chaired by Governor Eric J. Holcomb. The IEDC is organized as a public private partnership and manages many initiatives, including performance-based tax credits, workforce training grants, innovation and entrepreneurship resources, public infrastructure assistance, and talent attraction and retention efforts.

Career Pathways at Indiana Economic Development Corporation


Analyze, plan, and evaluate business expenses and income. As well as using financial data to search for problems and irregularities
Median Salary:$73,560
Desired Skillsdetail-oriented, mathematical, and independent.

Bank Teller

The first point of interaction for customers as they enter the bank. Tellers verify the identity of customers and process requests for deposits and withdrawals from patron accounts.
Median Salary:$32,620
Desired Skillscustomer-service, detail-oriented, math skills

Civil Engineer

Designs and supervises construction projects such as airports, bridges, channels, dams, railroads, and roads.
Median Salary:$68,605
Desired Skillstechnical, mathematical, leadership, decision-making

Indiana Economic Development Corporation

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What's Indiana Economic Development Corporation all about?

official website

What's Indiana Economic Development Corporation all about?

official website
The Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) is a State of Indiana quasi-agency—similar to a full government agency in the extensive benefits offered, but different in that we have a great deal of autonomy. IEDC is run more like a business with a start-up culture; fast paced and forward thinking, always in pursuit of economic development opportunities for current and future generations of citizens across our great state. Our culture embodies a spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation.

Where is Indiana Economic Development Corporation Located?

Indiana Economic Development Corporation is located in Indianapolis, IN, which is situated in Central Indiana. World-class sporting events and museums, nationally renowned chefs, and thriving arts and cultural districts define life in Central Indiana. With a median, single-family home price under $200,000, learn more about the affordability of one of the Midwest’s largest cities.